Un fost coleg de servici,englez ,cu creieru un pic afumat de atata iarba crede intr-o nuca de cocos.Are breloc cu o nuca de cocos,"my baby coconut",asa o alinta el.E baiat destept,a terminat universitatea de mate-fizica,tatal lui are nu stiu cate brevete de inventie,lucreaza pt o rafinarie americana in UK,fratele lui,si el inventator,lucreaza la o fabrica de elicoptere Apache in Germania,mama profesoara.Am mentionat toate astea ca sa nu-l credeti retard.
Totul a pornit de la o gluma."de ce porti un breloc cu o nuca de cocos?"zic eu,si de aici au inceput aberatiile lui.
Steve,ca asa il cheama pe el,said to Eve:you may eat the fruit of the garden,but the fruit of palm tree in the midst of the garden you cannot eat or you shall surly die'.the serpent betrayed Steve and Adam and Eve ate the forbidden coconut and they were thrown from the coconut forest of Eden."That my son is how the world began.
Bine,bine zic eu,dar ce a consemnat istoria?
Shakerspeare wrote about it as well."whats in a name?"That which we call a coconut by any other name would smell as sweet"."My kingdom for a coconut"Richard the third.
Dar predictii ca orice mare profet?
Do not test the power of coconut,i say to those lambs who have lost their way,do not fear,for i am with you.Do not be dismayed,for i am your coconut.i will strengthen you help you with my righteous coconut.
Locuieste vis-a-vis de o biserica veche de 1000 de ani,asta ca ironie si tot ca ironie e modul lui de a isi arata viziunea asupra religiei.
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