There are in average 20 visitors/readers daily of my blog .I feel that i have to take action against a big issue in this days,racism.In every corner of the world there are people who hates other people because of the colour of the skin,there are minority but they exist.It is a mistake made by the society,they are like the loft cracked window,it doesn't bother you until you have to go in loft to store something that you no longer need it.Then you feel that you have to take action but you leave the loft and you don't think about that window until next time you have to store something else.There are many reasons for your ignorance,maybe you don't have money,or maybe you are not in the mood to fix something in the house,anyway is not something that you see everyday or something that stops you to feel comfortable in your own house,is just a loft cracked window.It is like a dent in the car body,makes your car to look bad but the car is still working.
I feel that i have to take action now because there are about a hundred Romanians in need and I'm a Romanian as well.I should have done something earlier when i saw other racism acts but for some reason i didn't.Anyway,thanks to the good people of Belfast all the Romanians took shelter in the church and food was provided.So if any of the 20th mention above seen a racism act please take action.Action should be taken by anyone.Thanks
Link to the bbc website
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all things happen for a reason dude. even racism
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